Ms. Ballard and Ms. Hisler are presenting at the upcoming AMLE 2017 Conference in Philadelphia. Their session is on STEAM and The Patton Garden Project. Why STEAM? The addition of the A is not just semantics! It has been proven that the addition of the arts into STEM initiatives result in a more meaningful program. STEAM integrates art, design and is more inviting to girls. Harvard Business Review stated that knowing how to make a product is no longer enough. "How A product is designed, it's a statics, and have seamless and integration it makes into a persons life is what allows us to distinguish one product from another, and one industry competitor from another.
Mr. Lewis is also presenting at AMLE2017. His presentation discusses many different ways that teachers can increase the number sense and reasoning skills in their students in less than 5 minutes per class period through the use of warm-ups. The participants will be shown a series of free, engaging online resources. #PattonProud!