Thursday, November 28, 2013

Crazy Faces!

No Shave November was a huge success as the staff raised over $1,200 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation. And 17 lucky students got to choose how the participants would shave or decorate their faces. Have a look at the photos right here!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Mr. Kelley: Published!

8th grade Creative Writing teacher, Mr. Kelley recently had his article, "Digital Writing: the Public Act of our Private Lives", published in the November 2013 edition of California English. The story can be found on pages 13 & 14. The link takes you to a digital version of the entire journal.

News From FCS

Ms. Ballard and Ms. Hisler have been busy in FCS! The donations from FCS have gone to the Kennett Food Cupboard, which is under the big umbrella of the Chester County Food Bank.  We received a wonderful letter from State Senator Andrew Dinniman.  We recently completed the Green Ribbon School Application with the assistance of a number of staff members and district office and will know the status of that at the end of January. We also completed several more grants and currently appear on the Kitchen Gardeners website  We have been an integral part of Longwood's Teacher Institute for Garden Based Learning each summer while our Adopt-A-Bed program continues to grow with the help and support of families and staff from around the district. This program will now expand to include the two 30 foot high tunnels, which are growing fast and furiously right off of the access road. We are well on our way to becoming a Project Learning Tree partner. Next up, the King Arthur Flour Company will be presenting assemblies to the 6th and 7th graders to teach them the history, math, and science behind bread baking while learning a lifelong skill. They are to share this with their families and return one loaf the following Monday. Three years ago we received 200 loaves that were donated. This year, the recipient will be the homeless shelter in West Chester and will kick off our season of giving back even more to the community. Our club and Patton Project classes continue to make pillowcases and quilts for sick children at AI DuPont, which are delivered with cards by a district parent who is also a pulmonary doctor who has treated several of our students. We have also just been cleared to begin donations of fresh greens to our own cafeteria. Finally, we are being interviewed by a national agency to possibly appear in a national spot about those who love to grow!!!  We are very grateful for all of the incredible support offered by everyone!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No Shave Novermber

Don't forget to contribute to No Shave November! The final totals will be announced on Monday with all proceeds going to prostate cancer research. And check out the great staff photos right here!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Name That Tune!

It was another Fun Friday on HawkTV this week! Each week, teachers and staff get together for some good, spirited, Patton fun -- all in the name of Fun Friday! This week, teachers and staff competed in a friendly game of "Name That Tune" -- and it wasn't easy! Mrs. Leahy vs. Miss Hershey, the ladies in the office and more. Check out this week's fun and games right here!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Run, Miss Faccenda!

Congratulations to Miss Faccenda on completing her second marathon last month! Miss Faccenda competed in and finished the 38th Marine Corps Marathon on a challenging course in Washington, DC on October 26.

High Tunnels

Kudos to the 8th grade students in the "Patton Project" led by Miss Ballard and Miss Hisler. The program continues to expand with the construction of two 30 foot long high tunnels, donated by the Chester County Food Bank, each containing three additional garden beds. Read all about it in a great story in the Unionville Times.