Thursday, March 17, 2016
Keynote at Longwood
The weekend of March 5th, Family and Consumer Science teachers Betsy Ballard and Kimberly Hisler were keynote speakers at Longwood Garden’s School Gardening Event and Kick-Off for the spring growing season. The Patton Garden project was showcased and former students, Brendan Boyle and Declan Boyle, were introduced to talk about how the Patton Project inspired them to create their successful Brown Bag Lunch Program. As the premier school gardens in Chester County with 30 raised beds yielding over 10,00 pounds since the inception less than six years ago, Patton remains the inspiration for many other programs both state and nationally. With over 49 schools and 121 sites in Chester County Patton’s Gardens have become the model for the Chester County Food Bank and were huled to have so much attention focused on our program. The Brown Bag Lunch program was inspired by The Patton Project FCS class, which showcases giving back to community and beyond.